






      # 狼来了

      Once upon a time, there was a shepherd boy who watched over his sheep on a hillside every day. Bored with the monotonous task, he had an idea. One day, he suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, “Wolf! Wolf!” The villagers nearby heard the cry and rushed to help, only to find that it was a false alarm. The boy laughed heartily at their panicked looks。

      A few days later, the boy felt lonely again and decided to play the same trick. Once more, he yelled, “Wolf! Wolf!” The kind-hearted villagers dropped their work and hurried to the hillside. But again, there was no wolf in sight. The boy found their angry expressions rather amusing。

      However, one day, a real wolf did come. Terrified, the boy screamed for help, “Wolf! Wolf!” But this time, no one believed him. The wolf attacked the sheep, and the boy watched helplessly as some of his flock were carried away。

      This fable teaches us that lying and playing tricks on others will lead to a loss of trust, and when real danger arrives, no one will come to our aid。


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