同义词 英语
1. 管理:governance, management, administration
2. 鼓励、促使:cheer, encourage, motivate, prompt
3. 脆弱:vulnerable, weak, feeble, fragile, susceptible
4. 考虑到:given, considering, in view of, with a view to
5. 抓住:grasp, capture, seize
6. 主张:claim, proclaim, remark, advocate, allegation, comment, review, argue, hold, assume
7. 智力:wisdom, intelligence, wit
8. 部分:component, portion, element, proportion, percentage, section
9. 直觉的,本能的:intuitive, instinctive
10. 提升:lift, elevate, promote
11. 承认:admit, acknowledge, recognize
12. 永恒:eternal, permanent, everlasting
13. 谋生:earn one’s living, make one’s living, live off
14. 值得尊敬:worthy, respectable
15. 遵守:comply with, conform to, observe, abide by
16. 探测:detect, investigation, probe, explore
17. 获得:gain, acquire, achieve, fetch, obtain
18. 高估:overestimate, overrate, overvalue
19. 培养:nurture, foster, cultivate
20. 怀疑:skeptical, suspicious, doubtful
21. 奇怪:weird, odd, peculiar, strange, queer
22. 模糊:dim, vague, obscure, loom, indistinct, fuzzy
23. 收入:salary, pay, wage, income, revenue, gain, earning
24. 津贴:subsidy, pension, allowance, grant
25. 高贵:noble, royal, dignity, privilege
26. 谦卑:humble, modest
27. 告示:announcement, notice, poster, bulletin, report
28. 想象:visualize, imagine, suppose, envision
29. 会议:conference, meeting, convention
30. 引用:cite, quote, illustrate
31. 挑出:single out, sort out, pick out
32. 限制:limit, restrict, constrict, discipline, confine, hold back, scale back, curb on
33. 利用:usable, available, applicable
34. 偏见:bias, prejudice, discrimination, inequality
35. 组成:consist of, be made from/of, include, constitute
36. 发行:issue, release, distribute, launch
37. 结束:fulfill, finish, accomplish, carry out, achieve, complete
38. 能力:ability, capability, potential, power
39. 交易:deal, trade, exchange, transaction
40. 以前:previous, former, latter, prior to
41. 加强:promote, facilitate, enhance, strengthen, reinforce, aggravate
42. 前景:prospect, future, expectation, outlook
43. 保守:conservative, traditional, custom
44. 顾客:customer, client, consumer, guest
45. 暂停、延期:suspend, phase back, put off, stop, postpone, delayed
46. 信息:information, message, data, figure, statistics
47. 公司:enterprise, firm, company, corporation
48. 故意:deliberately, intentionally, purposely, on/in purpose
49. 吸引:appeal, attract, fascinate, tempt, absorb
50. 有希望的:promising, hopeful, brightening
51. 对手:rival, equal, comparative, competitor, opponent, adversary, enemy
52. 灭亡:perish, die (out), extinguish
53. 消失:disappear, vanish, diminish, gone
54. 方法:ways, means, approach, solution, remedy, measure
55. 财产:estate, real estate, property, asset
56. 放弃:abandon, give up, desert
57. 悲观:pessimistic, negative
58. 地区:regions, scope, range, sphere
59. 拒绝:reject, refuse, turn down, decline
60. 保留:preserve, reserve, retain, persist
61. 公平:fairness, impartial, justice, equality